Saturday, March 1, 2014

Future Aspirations for Derek Jeter Revealed

In his retirement letter, Derek Jeter concluded by saying it was time for the next chapter in his life and that he had new dreams and aspirations and wanted new challenges.

Well... those future aspirations are revealed;

Derek Jeter want's to go from the Captain, to the Boss.

Jeter and the late 'Boss' talking during a Spring Training Practice back in 2000

In an interview with Jack Curry of the YES Network, Jeter not only revealed that he'd like to own a Major League Baseball team one day, but that he'd like to run it like the late George Steinbrenner.

"I'm a little biased but I think I've played for the best owner in sports with Mr. Steinbrenner, and I've learned a lot from him," added Jeter. "We have different styles of ownership, but I would look forward to it. It would be challenging. I think it would be very interesting and educational."

Just how serious is Jeter about owning a professional baseball team? Apparently Jeter is serious enough that he once laid out his own plan to former Yankees GM, Gene "Stick" Michael. "That's the next ultimate goal, to be an owner," said the future Hall of Famer. "I would love to call the shots. I think I've learned a lot in my career, not only what goes on the field but I learned a lot from our late owner in how to run an organization. I have a lot of things to learn but I would like to do that."

While it's likely the Yankees would never be owned by someone other than a Steinbrenner, Jeter's $250 million or so from his playing career along with all the money he's earned from his 'Driven' cologne line and other entities may be enough to purchase the Yankees if the Steinbrenner's are one day tired of running them, or any other baseball team for that matter. Of course the first rule in business however is to use someone else's money to invest- Jeter's 20 years of MLB experience is probably enough to convince multiple investors to join his ownership group. After all, it worked for Magic Johnson and he never even picked up a baseball in his life.

Becoming an ex player-turned owner would thrust Jeter into some good company by joining the likes of Michael Jordan, owner of the Charlotte Bobcats, Magic Johnson, owner of the Los Angeles Dodgers, and David Beckham, soon to be owner of a new MLS team in Miami, Florida.

What a great story to look forward to for the future of baseball!

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